

Spread the Kindness

  • Arum Fatmasari – Expert Volunteer,
  • Koko Iwan Agus Kurniawan – Leading Project Team
  • Gea Carnando – Video Editor
  • Rachmat Arriz Saputra – Writting and Editing Storyline
  • Rynda Mayasari – Social Media Campaign
  • Ziana Febriana Zein – Social Media Campaign

Mengapa Fisik ku Berubah?

Hal yang menarik untuk di perhatikan, hal yang tabu di negara kita khususnya untuk membicarakan tentang pendidikan Sex untuk anak anak remaja dan setingkat, orang tua malu untuk mengajarkan hal tersebut, banyaknya stigma masyarakat yang menggiring hal tersebut menjadi tabu, padahal hal ini sangat di perlukan untuk mencegah adanya kekerasan dan pelecehan pada anak. Yuk mulai dari kamu untuk lebih sadar akan pentingnya pendidikan seksual dengan cara menonton video ini dan sebarkan ke teman teman kamu, jika bukan kita yang memulai siapa lagi?

  • Amanda Rosetia – Expert Volunteer
  • Imelda Fani Swastika – Project Leader
  • Afriska Kusnia – Storyline Writer
  • Malvin Huang – Video Editor
  • Ratna Dewi Sartika – Social Media Campaigner

Bagaimana Cara Membangun Lingkungan Efektif untuk Belajar Online di Rumah?

Virus Corona telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia, sekolah-sekolah ditutup untuk mengambil tindakan pencegahan guna menghentikan penyebaran COVID-19. Namun, pembelajaran daring dinilai membuat anak-anak bosan dan berdampak buruk pada kesehatan mental mereka. Video ini membagikan beberapa tips untuk membangun lingkungan yang efektif selama remote-learning sehingga anak-anak tidak akan mudah jenuh dalam menghadapi pembelajaran daring.

  • Irnova Suryani – Expert Volunteer
  • Muhammad Aditya Ardiansyah – Leading Project Team
  • Rachmat Dhany G – Video Editor
  • Maulidia Nur S – Writing and Editing Storyline
  • Meylia Vivi P – Social Media Campaign

Bagaimana Motivasi Dapat Mempengaruhi Proses Belajar Anak?

Meningkatkan motivasi belajar pada anak sangatlah penting, terlebih lagi motivasi belajar ini sangat mempengaruhi bagaimana proses belajar mengajar dari anak tersebut. Tahukah anda bahwa motivasi belajar itu juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh bagaimana otak itu bekerja. Di video ini Mbak Irnova Suryani seorang dokter umum, edukator dan pengusaha sosial akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai tips mengembangkan motivasi belajar anak

  • Bowo Suhardjo – Expert Volunteer
  • Muhammad Aditya Ardiansyah – Leading Project Team
  • Rachmat Dhany G – Video Editor
  • Maulidia Nur S – Writing and Editing Storyline
  • Meylia Vivi P – Social Media Campaign
  • Ziana Febriana Zein – Social Media Campaign

Yuk Mulai Menabung Daripada Jajan!

Menabung merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk investasi jangka panjang terlebih lagi jika dimulai sejak dini untuk edukasi pentingnya menabung. Video yang disampaikan oleh Pak Bowo Suhardjo ini akan memberikan pemaparan pentingnya menabung sejak usia dini.

Sociopreneur Indonesia Academy (SIDAcademy) is a program developed by SociopreneurID that focuses on increasing practical skills as part of the process of becoming an individual who has a designer’s mindset, skillset, and toolset.

SIDAcademy was first held in August 2020 by raising the theme “Freedom of Expression.” There were four classes on the workshop focused on providing understanding and exercises about creativity and expressing oneself. More about SIDAcademy: Freedom of Expression.

This October, Commemorating the National Youth Pledge, SIDAcademy is back with the theme “Crafting Your Idea.” This workshop invited participants to create creative ideas, visualizing the ideas, and communicate them through Visual Thinking and Storytelling. The workshop was held from October 23rd – 24th 2020.

SIDAcademy: Crafting Your Idea is open to anyone who believes in their creativity and innovation skills, wants to meet new networks, and eager to learn visual thinking and storytelling intensively for two days with Nicholas Jiemas and Clarissa Amadhea from SociopreneurID Publishing (SIDPub).

Meet the Speakers!

Nicholas Jiemas

As a Co-Lead at SociopreneurID Publishing, Nicholas maintains the publication of WEAVER (SociopreneurID digital magazine) as well as writing for newsletters, making comics, applicable games, and presenting several workshops/seminars.

Nicholas has a background in Entrepreneurship from a university in Tangerang where he conducted research on the behaviour of playing a boardgame. His areas of interest are in illustration, game design, and comics.

Clarissa Amadhea

Clarissa Amadhea is usually more familiarly called by Dhea. She is also the Co-Lead of SociopreneurID Publishing.

Dhea has so much interest in portraits of people and stories. She believes that everyone is a natural-born storyteller. Dhea has published a lot on publication content such as writing for Weaver magazine, compiling weekly newsletters, and working on SociopreneurID Mini Podcast.

This workshop is open to anyone who believes in their creativity and innovation skills, wants to meet new networks, and eager to learn #visualthinking and #storytelling intensively for two days (9 hours in total) with SociopreneurID Publishing (SIDPub).

Registration and more information 👉 bit.ly/SIDacademy2

Contact us for more information: +62 812 1106 0556 (Caca)

Inspired by a child’s question: “why can’t adults work together in shaping a better society?”

This week we have a new story on our Medium!

During quarantine, Yolanda is missing her workmates. Her time apart from her work-life has made her realize how much we took everything for granted. How fast things can change. How she was unaware of little things that actually matter. Find out more in her story, “Terpaut Jarak” (Apart) available in Bahasa by clicking here.

“Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said yes to something. Otherwise things just sort of stay the same.”
– Danny Wallace, Yes Man (2008)

Last week, we had the opportunity to share how to stay afloat in these trying times by staying positive in one of our routine online sharing. Staying positive is a matter of understanding and embracing our internal capabilities including mental health and our emotions. It is especially necessary as the fact that UN has suggested that this pandemic situation may lead to worldwide mental health crisis, particularly related to isolation and uncertainty.  While some groups may be more prone to the crisis, everyone is likely to be affected. 

A crisis brings forth either the best or the worst of humankind. We are seeing people helping and supporting each other in a way that, at times, stunning. We are seeing people coping with creativity; uniting in harmonious melody with people across the street like people at Italy; free food provisions by restaurants; ongoing donations by artists; and many more. It’s like we are letting empathy more into our life aspects, and that’s good news. 

From an entrepreneurial perspective, being strong internally enables one to engage in the pursuit of goals, expectedly for the good. As demonstrated above, human nature is creative at best. In this case, we can define creativity as a capacity of mind that can lead to original expressions (Alton & Alton, 2017). 

From a book called Creativity Cure written by Carrie and Barron Alton, we know there are several traits of creativity:

We especially highlight the trait where one can express feeling/drive. As being creative has been linked to happiness, our self-expression can be regarded as a need. For example, studies have found if we use our hands to write, draw, cook, garden, play music, making crafts – you name it –  can alleviate negative moods. We also know that keeping a tab on our emotions through journaling can help in our emotional management.

Aaaanywaay, as always we are sharing one story on our Medium every week!

This week’s story comes from Caca who felt paranoid about the current world situation. Being separated from her family, especially her mom made her worried sick about what’s going to happen next. In her story, “Berkah Bermuhasabah” (The Wonder of Self-reflection), Caca invites us to overcome the situation by taking a role in life, embracing people around us, and finding hope by looking at a small act of kindness that happened around us, passing it to others!

You can read her story (in Bahasa) by clicking here.

So we decided that our part is through a #SolidarityAction. We thought that it might be a good idea to collect uplifting stories about experiences in overcoming challenges – which is especially relevant in these trying times – and sharing it as seeds of hopes to say that, “This too, shall pass!”

We have also managed to publish some of our friends’ stories on our Medium.  We name this initiative “Writing It Forward”.

It’s been almost two months that we stay at home. Sure, we miss going outside to meet our dear friends and relatives. To work in office desks. To go shopping at the mall. To engage in an eating out. Movie nights. Outdoor activities. Restless sleepovers when we spill secrets to our besties under the cover of the blanket enjoying a whole pan pizza or just game until the dawn.

However, we should still be grateful. Why so is because the situation has different impacts on different people, and it is not easy for everyone. We can try to give our help to them who need it. We might not know that they are at the brink of their lives.

“This is a quite vulnerable situation to leave those who are in a time of crisis, like Rio, alone. I think this is the time we can start reaching out to one another, to be present, and to encourage one another.”

Take Riza’s story, “Please, Stay Sane!”: Riza told a story about his friend Rio who attempted suicide. While he could not do much, he told us how we wanted to help him. Perhaps, overcoming a crisis is to be present for one another, more than ever. Read Riza’s story by clicking here.

These difficult times have brought us connected to each other, to become stronger. But we shall believe, the sun will rise again.”


Welcoming May, counting weeks until we celebrate Eid Mubarak!

This year’s Eid will be very different for some of our friends. There will be no joyful celebration of Eid Mubarak at home with their family. Though it’s hard, it is the right thing to do right now. That’s what one of our friends, Fauzan, tries to tell us in his story “I Won’t Be Home for Eid” 

“…we need to think and act as if the virus has been exposed to us. We can start by asking ourselves: “What if I am a carrier? Would it be dangerous for people back home?” “

His story invites us to reflect upon ourselves, it’s not just about our contribution to society at times like these. It is also to remind us that whatever we do impact others. We need to be aware of our decisions. In the end, we will end up with our own actions. We reap what we sow. We get what we give. What goes around, comes around.

You can read Fauzan’s story here.