SociopreneurID Research & Design

SIDLAB / SociopreneurID Research & Design

Research & Design

SIDLab (Sociopreneur Indonesia Laboratory) conducts researches and produces academic publications about Volunteerism, Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, and Entrepreneurship Education. The publications are based on practices and are implementable at nature.

It is the combination of both theory and practice. In 2020, SIDLab will focuses on research publications through History Maker and Journal of Entrepreneurship Education and Social Innovation. SIDLab will also experimenting on new programs and solutions.

Designing for SID Experimentation

Like a laboratory, in SIDLab, we are constantly experimenting with research to gain insights that are used to design a program that suits the market.

History Maker & Journal of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education

Research has always and will be one of the core aspects of our works in SociopreneurID. We conclude our research and design into History Maker & Research Paper. In 2020, our research team will focus mainly on sustainable innovation through the lens of social innovation and entrepreneurship education.

History Maker

Research Paper for Journal of Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education (JIEDS)

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