SociopreneurID Education

SIDLAB / SociopreneurID Education

Delivering Entrepreneurship Education

SIDEd, standing for Sociopreneur Indonesia Education, creates access to quality education and continuing education process through social creativity and innovation as well as social innovation and entrepreneurship. It is our effort in achieving SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals.

We develop all SIDEd’s program according to the philosophy of a tree. It starts from preparing a strong root that will support the whole tree. It continues to grow alongside many obstacles and challenges, before becoming a tree with strong stem, capable of disseminating spores which seed new trees. Just like a growing tree, children would have to discover and experience the growth themselves – we can only demonstrate, support and facilitate the process.

Anak Hebat Anak Indonesia

Be a Creative Innovator

Bootcamp for Young Technopreneur

Festival of Social Creativity

Designing Entrepreneurship Education/Social Entrepreneurship/Social Innovation Programs

Spread the Kindness