
“A Small Act of Kindness through Volunteerism”

As its name exhibits, PoTion (Photo Exhibition) is created with the spirit of facilitating and widespreading positivity for the audience, especially in times like now.

You are invited into exploring and delving into how an act of kindness is implemented by different people, particularly through photo essays and some responses for volunteerism query.

In the end, the message of this exhibition, as a part of Empathy Project with the theme “A Small Act of Kindness through Volunteerism”, is to demonstrate that kindness comes in many forms and can be done by everyone because it is a universal language; therefore, everyone can speak, respond, react, and perpetuate it.

We wish you enjoy your following trip… 😁


P.S. All photos and essays in this exhibition are shot by volunteers. These images can be used with attribution and only for educational purposes.

Wall of Kindness

How has your experience been? After looking the photos, what do you think the word “Kindness” is all about? Does it remind you of someone? Does it remind you of any particular action? Does it give you any feeling?

Well, why don’t you write what you think of “Kindness” below – we are all curious to know!

Spread the Kindness