Can empathy be applied in leadership?
Two weeks ago, Donni Hadi Waluyo and Riza Mubarok shared about empathy in professionalism. Being professional is often related to leadership ability. In leadership, empathy plays a role that can help leaders to make a decision. But the question is: how?
In the next session of Three-S Network “Empathy Series”, Donni Hadi Waluyo (Subject-matter Expert at SociopreneurID) and Fauzan (Co-Lead Program of SIDco) will share about Empathetic Leadership
Find out more by joining Donni Hadi Waluyo and Fauzan on:
📅 Saturday; September 12, 2020
⏰ 10.00 to 12.00 AM (GMT+7)
📍 Zoom & Youtube LIVE
💬 will be delivered on Bahasa
In this session, Donni will share about the role of empathy in leadership from his perspective as a psychology scientist. Furthermore, Fauzan as Co-Lead of SIDco will share his experiences to encourage empathy through Empathy Project.
📢 RSVP before September 11, 2020 and join here
See you on this Saturday!
for further information: 081211060556 (Caca)
Notes: For a thorough understanding, we recommend following the entire Three-S Network series, please check out all our schedule on “Empathy Series” here.