Three-S Network: A Small Act of Kindness

Three-S Network: A Small Act of Kindness


“Have you ever felt any personal satisfaction when you do an act of kindness?”

If you ever felt so, it is because when we do something kind it produces a sense of satisfaction and happiness and it raises our empathy and compassion. The more we practice kindness, the bigger our empathy, the more we influence others to do the same. Isn’t it powerful?

The question is how do we practice it regulary?

To further discuss it, let’s join the last session of Three-S Network “Empathy Series” with Donni Hadiwaluyo and Her Suharyanto on:
📅 Saturday; September 26, 2020
⏰ 10.00 to 12.00 AM (GMT+7)
📍 Zoom & Youtube LIVE
💬 will be delivered on Bahasa

Donni Hadi Waluyo will open the session by sharing how to nurture empathy through simple actions. While Her Suharyanto will explain the relationship between empathy and volunteerism.

📢 RSVP before September 19, 2020 and join here

See you on this Saturday!

for further information: 081211060556 (Caca)

Location: 📍 Zoom & Youtube LIVE
Date: September 19, 2020
Duration: 8 Days