Three-S Dialogue: Accelerating Kind Acts through Collaboration

Three-S Dialogue: Accelerating Kind Acts through Collaboration


Theoretically, mixing the red and green together makes brown colour. According to Empowered by Color (, in colour psychology, the brown colour relates to quality in everything – a comfortable home, the best food and drink and loyal companionship. It is also said that brown is a colour of physical comfort, simplicity and quality.

But what is this all about? Who are the ‘red and green’? And what exactly is ‘brown’? What kind of quality did the brown offer?


Let us introduce you to Indorelawan as the red and us, SociopreneurID, as the green. Together, we just had an amazing collaboration last Saturday (22/02) in Volunteer Hub Jakarta to held “Belajar Berbagi x Three-S Dialogue” (a.k.a the brown colour) with approximately 25 participants who came individually or representing their organizations. Highlighting “Akselerasi Aksi Baik Melalui Kolaborasi” (Accelerating Kind Acts through Collaboration), the forum brought forth the discussion of the role of being a volunteer in sustaining kind acts and also the importance of empathy in collaboration. 

The comfort and quality laid in how overt the interactions between the participants and the panels were. It was the energy of the participants that made the forum alive. They were actively involved to discuss the opportunity and challenges identified based on their experience and practices. Mini-workshop was also conducted by applying the Y-Factor Map using a specific canvas. It was quite challenging! This technique is expected to be useful in planning and mapping possibilities of further projects of each organization, the more detail, the better. We’ll share some documented interactions below!

Three-S is a platform to engage various individuals and organizations who are interested in the social  entrepreneurship world. Three-S conveys three different approaches, namely Three-S One on One, Three-S Network, and Three-S Dialogue. Three-S One on One provides mentors for social entrepreneurship enthusiasts to undergo their social innovation or initiative ideas.

Location: 📍 Volunteer Hub
Date: February 22, 2020
Duration: 1 Day