#8 Co-hosting Three-S Dialogue
In collaboration with Business Management ITS, Sociopreneur.id is conducting the 8th Three-S Dialogue Co-Hosting program highlighting “The Role of Entrepreneurship Education for Youth”
The first speaker, Heru Wijayanto MM, MMT, MBA, will share about the importance of Role Entrepreneurship Education for Youth. The second and third speaker, Riza Mubarok and Yolanda Hanjani will be sharing best practices on Entrepreneurship Education on their experiences
The Three-S Dialogue will be conducted on:
Friday, October 2, 2020
08.00-10.00 WIB
via Zoom & Youtube LIVE (SociopreneurID)
the session will be delivered in Bahasa
More information: 085648652718 (Puti Sinansari)