Seminggu Sebuku : The Consciousness Instinct

Seminggu Sebuku : The Consciousness Instinct

Seminggu Sebuku : The Consciousness Instinct


Seminggu Sebuku
“Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan”

We invite you to participate in the culture of reading by starting from one book every month and being involved in sharing about books that are read every week. Sharing every week will be presented by the author, experts in their fields, and members of the Community.

Book sharing this week:
The Consciousness Instinct (2018, Michael S. Gazzaniga)

Sharing casually talks about how to get used to good things (including reading books) from the point of view of neuroscience.

Narrator: Novianta Hutagalung, Faculty Member of Bank Indonesia Institute
Time: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 | 16:00 WIB
Place: #DiRumahAja – We meet at Zoom

Join this community at:
CP: +6285368690891 (Caca)

Location: 📍 Zoom
Date: June 2, 2020
Duration: 1 Day