Seminggu Sebuku: Musashi

Seminggu Sebuku: Musashi


Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club
“Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan”
In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The person who shares the book matters and when a member shares a book, he/she does not only share the book but also his/her values that are discovered upon reading the book.

Our storyteller for this week is F.X. Husni. He wants to tell stories and share his experiences and self-discovery of the book Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa

Musashi  (Eiji Yoshikawa, 1939)
A classic novel tells the story of a samurai, Miyamoto Musashi, and his journey on the path of the sword. Musashi realized that walking the Path of the Sword wasn’t just about finding opponents to clash strength. He is constantly trying to perfect his techniques, travels long distances, challenges fighters, and make nature his main teacher. In the Art of War, he found peace and made himself a real human.

Mark your calendar!
📅 Sunday; January 10, 2020
⏰ 19.30 (GMT+7)
📍 Zoom & Youtube LIVE
💬 will be delivered on Bahasa

Join #SemingguSebuku Community here

For further information, contact +628871779660 (Riza)

Location: 📍 Zoom & Youtube LIVE
Date: January 10, 2021
Duration: 1 Day