
"Have you ever felt any personal satisfaction when you do an act of kindness?" If you ever felt so, it is because when we do something kind it produces a sense of satisfaction and happiness and it raises our empathy and compassion. The more we practice kindness,...

Can empathy be applied in leadership? Two weeks ago, Donni Hadi Waluyo and Riza Mubarok shared about empathy in professionalism. Being professional is often related to leadership ability. In leadership, empathy plays a role that can help leaders to make a decision. But the question is:...

Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club “Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan” In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The...

Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club “Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan” In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The...

#5 Co-hosting Three-S Dialogue In collaboration with SDGs Center Andalas University Padang, is conducting the 5th Three-S Dialogue Co-Hosting program highlighting "Developing Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: The Role of Parents and Teachers." The session will be welcomed with a speech from Prof. Elfindri, Se, MA, and moderated by...

Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club “Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan” In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The...

When we are in the professional world, it is not easy to maintain the balance between being empathic and being professional. Though, we can learn how to be both empathic and professional. In the next session of Three-S Network "Empathy Series," we will discuss more...

Every Monday, we have a casual discussion about existing programs or upcoming programs with one of our team, Gendis. Not only that, but you also discuss together with your experiences through this casual discussion. You can join via Instagram Live on: every Monday 19.00 - 19.30 WIB (GMT...

#4 Co-Hosting Three-S Dialogue Program As technology advances along the time, we are increasingly given more means and opportunitiy to create a better world. The question is, what skills do we need to seize the opportunity? How to establish a mindset to care for each other...