
  Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club “Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan” In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The...

#SIDacademy: Visual Thinking and Storytelling Workshop Series On August, SociopreneurID held the first SIDAcademy workshop raising the theme "Freedom of Expression." There were four classes on the workshop focused on providing understanding and exercises about creativity and expressing oneself. This October, SIDAcademy is back with the theme "Crafting...

#THREE-S NETWORK #3: Human Factor and System Sabtu lalu, Dessy dan Heru telah berbagi tentang Human Factor and System. Ketika error pada suatu sistem (contohnya korporasi, institusi pendidikan, pemerintahan, dll.) terjadi, setidaknya ada dua sudut pandang yang memengaruhi bagaimana seseorang bereaksi. Sudut pandang yang pertama adalah Ptolemaic,...

#THREE-S NETWORK #2: Human Factor and System Masih ingat dengan sesi Three-S PTS series #1? Minggu lalu, Dessy Aliandrina berbagi tentang bagaimana sebuah kecelakaan atau kejadian yang tidak diharapkan bisa terjadi dari kejadian atau perilaku yang tidak berhati-hati (unsafe acts). Kita mungkin tidak pernah menyangka bahwa kesalahan kecil...

#THREE-S NETWORK: PEOPLE, TECHNOLOGY, SOCIETY SERIES Sistem yang menuntut performa terbaik (high-performance organization) berupaya untuk meminimalisir 'defect' atau potensi kesalahan. Para desainer sistem mengetahui tidak ada sistem yang imun atas kesalahan, dan para pengguna tahu bahwa tidak ada performa yang sempurna, sehingga apakah error-free zone atau zero-defect...

#8 Co-hosting Three-S Dialogue  In collaboration with Business Management ITS, is conducting the 8th Three-S Dialogue Co-Hosting program highlighting "The Role of Entrepreneurship Education for Youth" The first speaker, Heru Wijayanto MM, MMT, MBA, will share about the importance of Role Entrepreneurship Education for Youth. The...

Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club “Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan” In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The...

#6 Co-hosting Three-S Dialogue  In collaboration with Universitas Pasir Pengaraian, is conducting the 6th Three-S Dialogue Co-Hosting program highlighting "Pengembangan Kurikulum Teknopreneur dan Tantangan Pendidikan Tinggi di Masa Depan" The first speaker, Dessy Aliandrina, Ph.D , will share about the importance of Technopreneurship for higher education....

#7 Co-hosting Three-S Dialogue In collaboration with Unika Atmajaya, is conducting the 7th Three-S Dialogue Co-Hosting program highlighting "The Role of Social Innovation to Communicate SDGs" The first speaker, Dessy Aliandrina, Ph.D , will share about the importance of Social Innovation to respond to global challenges. The...

Seminggu Sebuku (A Week A Book)Club “Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan” In #SemingguSebuku, we focus not only on which book do you read; we focus on each member’s improvement through reading. Different people will see a different angle of a book. The...