
  Three-S Network Series is a webinar series to share and discuss issues related to social entrepreneurship. Through this event, we will discuss the role of Entrepreneurship Education in Indonesia by bringing forth the topic “The Shift in Education: The Role of Entrepreneurship Education.” This Saturday, we...

  Three-S Network Series is a webinar series to share and discuss issues related to social entrepreneurship. Through this event, we will discuss the role of Entrepreneurship Education in Indonesia by bringing forth the topic “The Shift in Education: The Role of Entrepreneurship Education.” This Saturday, we...

Last week on Three-S Network Series 1, Heru Wijayanto shared about how the implementation of Entrepreneurship Education through Project-based Learning (PBL) and Felita Tania also shared about how PBL helps in her career. This Saturday, the second series in the Three-S Network series will discuss ‘The...

The first series in the Three-S Network series will discuss ‘Implementing Entrepreneurship Education on project-based learning (PBL)’. In this series, Heru Wijayanto will share how the implementation of Entrepreneurship Education through PBL. Not alone, Heru will be accompanied by Felita Tania who will discuss about...

As a forum for building networks and collaboration among stakeholders through discussions on issues related to social entrepreneurship. The Three-S Network Series this time comes with the theme "The Shift in Education: The Role of Entrepreneurship Education". Through this webinar series, we will discuss the role...

Seminggu Sebuku "Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan" We invite you to participate in the culture of reading by starting from one book every month and being involved in sharing about books that are read every week. Sharing every week will be presented...

In the current condition, activities become limited and stress also occurs which impacts anxiety and panic, which in turn can also affect physical complaints. Therefore, it is important to keep the mind positive. So, with the theme 'Staying Positive', this time the Three-S (Social Entrepreneurship...

#NationalEducationDay 2020 is celebrated across the country today in a different way. But, we can learn something from covid-19: we all have own roles in overcoming challenges. So, with the theme 'Merayakan Hari Pendidikan: Apa yang Bisa Kita Lakukan?' (Celebrating Education Day: What we can...

Seminggu Sebuku "Belajar satu buku tiap minggu, baca satu buku tiap bulan" We invite you to participate in the culture of reading by starting from one book every month and being involved in sharing about books that are read every week. Sharing every week will be presented...

With the theme 'Empathy in Writing Positivity', this time the Three-S (Social Entrepreneurship Sharing Session) will share experiences and tips in understanding storytelling style writing concepts. Participants will also get a short workshop to practice and publish their writings. Online Three-S will be held on: 📅 Day,...