
First, Our Agreement with Kota Solok

Empathy Project envisions a future society where people of any background can contribute to a better world, humbly beginning from empathy.

We would like to invite our friends and networks from all over the world to come together in Empathy Project Kota Solok 2022 and take a role to create positive changes to the world. Starting from January, a series of programs have been delivered and the closing have been held on March 22 – 24, 2022.

The Agreement signed on 11 October 2021 in Kota Solok focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship, optimizing local resources and human capital development.

Focus of Development Agreement between
Kota Solok and Sociopreneur Indonesia

Programs of Empathy Project 2022

22 MARCH 2022

In Solok City, 500 youngsters may have fun while learning about creativity.

22-24 MARCH 2022

Bootcamp for young people in Solok City to create ideas for the MSME and tourism sectors.

24 MARCH 2022

Encouraging Local Economic Growth Through The Enhancement of Digital Literacy is a hybrid seminar with the topic “Encouraging Local Economic Growth Through The Enhancement of Digital Literacy.”

23 MARCH 2022

A literacy lecture and workshop aimed at pupils in Solok City to help them develop soft skills and establish reading and writing culture.


Earthvenger is a campaign that emphasises how everyone can protect the environment.

24 MARCH 2022

Elex Media Komputindo sent books to three Solok City Micro Libraries to improve reading literacy.


The 7 Days of Kindness Challenge attempts to promote frequent acts of kindness. We want to establish a habit – of normalising human behaviour in society.

24 MARCH 2022

The Empathy Project Kota Solok 2022 series events centrepiece is a panel discussion on “The Role of Education and Youth for the Development of Solok City”.

After Movie Emphaty Project 2022




Academic Partners

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Anak Hebat Anak Indonesia

Anak Hebat Anak Indonesia aims to promote entrepreneurship education to children through a series of fun activities and creativity games. This program also prepares future society by nurturing participants’ entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities. The theme is Get Creative with Stuff Around Me, which includes three different activities:

  • My dream (Encouraging children to dare to dream big)
  • Salt Science From the Kitchen (Encouraging children to dare to try Density experiments using simple equipment)
  • Let’s Tell a Story (Encouraging children to hone storytelling skills)

Stakeholders involved in AHAI: Academics (47 Elementary Schools from Solok City), Government (Bappeda Solok City, Education Office of Solok City, Diskominfo), Business (Kubuang 13 Building, Elex Media Komputindo). Stakeholders involved: Government (Bappeda Solok City, Diskominfo Solok City, Solok City Tourism Office, Solok City Library and Archives Service, Solok City Education Office), Business (Elex Media Komputindo), Society (online audience)








Youth Entrepreneurship Program

The Youth Entrepreneurship Program aims to prepare future society to contribute to socio economic well being through entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities. The program engages multi stakeholders to involve in the preparation of the youth by taking a role in collaborative actions. The program strategy address issues on

Stakeholders involved in the implementation of YEP: Academics (most of the finalists came from various universities in West Sumatra and Java), Business (Taman Kitiran, Elex Media Komputindo, the business run by the finalists), Government (Bappeda Kota Solok, Diskominfo Kota Solok, Diskoperindag City Solok), Society (several finalists are representatives of organizations and communities in Solok City)

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The Micro-Library is a cross-sector collaborative program that aims to improve literacy and skills development by spreading micro-libraries across rural areas in Indonesia.

We bridge the gap between entities across sectors, leading to contributions from local governments, communities, academia and the private sector. With the hope of enhancing literacy and skills development, we are partnering with Indonesia’s largest publishing company to amplify its intended impact by providing books and educational tools




Distribution Points

Three-S & Closing Ceremony


Three-S: Mendorong Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Lokal melalui Peningkatan Literasi Digital

This program was founded in 2018. Three-S is a platform to engage a wide range of individuals and organizations interested in the world of social entrepreneurship. Three S conveys three different approaches, namely Three-S One on One, Three-S Network, and Three-S Dialogue. Three-S One on One provides mentors for social entrepreneurship enthusiasts to carry out their innovations or social initiative ideas. Three-S Network is a platform that engages various social entrepreneurs to discuss specific social issues together with other stakeholders such as social business incubators and accelerators, impact investors, and governments. The Three-S Dialogue is a forum to bring together various social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship in the format of discussions/seminars/workshops/etc. to discuss further the topic of social entrepreneurship in Indonesia

Stakeholders involved: Government (Bappeda Solok City, Diskominfo Solok City, Solok City Tourism Office, Solok City Library and Archives Service, Solok City Education Office), Business (Elex Media Komputindo), Society (online audience)

Closing Ceremony: Peran Edukasi dan Pemuda untuk Pembangunan Kota Solok

Stakeholders involved: Government (Bappeda Solok City, Diskominfo Solok City, Solok City Tourism Office, Solok City Library and Archives Service, Solok City Education Office), Business (Elex Media Komputindo), Society (online audience)

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Programs of Empathy Project 2022

Spread the Kindness