The first Empathy Project was delivered in Sembulang, Batam, and has involved 1,000+ learners and collaborators.
In 2019, Empathy Project was delivered in three regions (Solo, Tangerang Selatan, Boyolali) and has involved 3,000+ learners and collaborators.
Due to Covid-19, Empathy Project was delivered virtually with the theme “Small Act of Kindness” and has involved 4,000+ learners and collaborators.
This year, Empathy Project Virtual will be delivered with the theme “Story of Wellness” and reached 2,700+ learners and collaborators.
The Agreement signed on 11 October 2021 in Kota Solok focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship, optimizing local resources and human capital development.
Accelerate the growth of local economic development through identifying new sources of economy
Utilize the used of local resources and integrate to local culture, beliefs, and historical
Develop mindset, skill set, and tool set of actors for being able to take a role in socio economic development
22 MARCH 2022
Anak Hebat Anak Indonesia aims to promote entrepreneurship education to children through a series of fun activities and creativity games. This program also prepares future society by nurturing participants’ entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities.
22-24 MARCH 2022
The Youth Entrepreneurship Program aims to prepare future society to contribute to socio economic well being through entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities. The program engages multi stakeholders to involve in the preparation of the youth by taking a role in collaborative actions. The program strategy address issues on existing practices of similar initiatives that have lack collective efforts.
24 MARCH 2022
Social Entrepreneurship Sharing Session (ThreeS) aims to provide an understanding of Social Entrepreneurship to individuals/organizations who want to be involved or carry out Social Entrepreneurship based activities, as well as network and connect with communities that are interested or engaged in Social Entrepreneurship.
23 MARCH 2022
A literacy seminar and workshop aimed at students in Solok City to build soft skills and cultivate a culture of reading and writing
Earthvenger is a campaign to emphasize how everybody has a power to protect the earth from environment damage. The campaign seeks to speak values of selflessness, togetherness, and teamwork – qualities of empathy that unifies people of different background to defend mother earth from damage.
24 MARCH 2022
Micro-Library is a cross collaborative program that aims to improve literacy and skill development by developing micro libraries across rural areas in Indonesia. We bridge the gap between cross sector entities, leading to the contribution of local government, society, academia and private sectors. In the hope to improve literacy and skill development, we partner with Indonesia’s largest publishing company to amplify the impact intended by providing books and educational tools.
7 Days of Kindness Challenge aims to promote kindness practices that can be done regularly. Practicing kindness regularly is a way of improving wellness in the society. Through this campaign, we aim to create a habit – a way of normalizing empathic actions in society. Overall, kindness is a way of leveraging empathy and subsequently compassionate action. It is a part of nurturing social entrepreneurship everywhere.
24 MARCH 2022
The highlight of the series activities of Empathy Project Kota Solok 2022 which presents a panel discussion with the theme “The Role of Education and Youth for the Development of Solok City”