Since it first initiation in 2018, the campaign has gathered more than 8,000 participations (submissions, tags, posts/re-posts, engagements, likes) on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Furthermore, if the increase in temperature proceeds, another 1 °C would be so much greater for ecological systems & human health. Several hundred million more people would be exposed to climate-related risks & poverty by 2050 at 2 °C than 1,5 °C.
This is just the beginning! Many other aspects will be greatly impacted. So, we much act now!
SociopreneurID designed two digital campaigns to promote and encourage simple act of kindness as one of the ways to achieve ‘Responsible Ecosystem.’
Responsible ecosystem is a term used by SociopreneurID to describe a future society where everyone will take a role to improve their surroundings.
People in this society will be responsible not only to themselves but also to other people, the Planet.
However, The Responsible Ecosystem is only possible by creating ‘Empathy’ first.
The first Empathy Project was delivered in Sembulang, Batam, and has involved 1,000+ learners and collaborators.
In 2019, Empathy Project was delivered in three regions (Solo, Tangerang Selatan, Boyolali) and has involved 3,000+ learners and collaborators.
Due to Covid-19, Empathy Project was delivered virtually with the theme “Small Act of Kindness” and has involved 4,000+ learners and collaborators.
Anyone who:
has the ideas to protect the earth and put them in action as their superpower!
has social media (preferably Instagram and Facebook) and is willing to utilize it for good.
How do I begin?
Quick tip: Engage with other people, co-create an action with people. That will help to escalate your effort quicker. Our team is documenting the effort and get the chance to be featured in our mini docu-series of the campaign.
When can I post my actions?
Earthvenger is gathering worldwide actions from February to April 2022.
Since it first initiation in 2018, the campaign has gathered more than 8,000 participations (submissions, tags, posts/re-posts, engagements, likes) on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.