The current pandemic situation has, without doubt, created negative energy around the world but it might just be an opportunity for a positive change as our mutual support is increasingly needed.
“Not me, us.” People are using the phrase more often. The momentum has swung toward the society to unite as one, more than ever, as it has been advocated for years. According to the World Happiness Report 2020, positive social environment enacting trust and reliability is correlated to happiness, which leads to the well-being of the people.
Each one of us can lead by showing compassion and solidarity. We heard a story about a friend who volunteered in his village at Surabaya, Indonesia.
As a man, he joined other men to sew masks while women cooked foods. Young-uns help to distribute them to neighbours.
“Ora usah gedhe-gedhe, yen mbantu wong sing pending ikhlas, ask cuil usahamu yen ikhlas pasti apik” (No need to think big. Just help what you can. If you do, do it with sincerity), shared the initiator of this movement as our friend approached him earlier this week.
It is not about big or small – the things we do. It is about our intent. He further referenced his inspiration from a Go-Jek driver who – aside from not being able to work from home and struggle to get orders (aka decreased income) every day – are still willing to contribute to help others.
“I want to help nurses and health workers with a little amount of money that I got from work today. I hope it doesn’t matter because I want to help with what I have.” The story went viral on World Health Day on April 7th, 2020. Appreciation for both the driver and the medical staffs, our unsung heroes!
Will things stay the same after the pandemic pass? Most likely, no. But no as in a hope for better coming days. Hey, see the bright side: it might become a reality if we continue to work together in this!
We are curious, what’s the story of Hope around you?
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