Entrepreneurship Education: Blended Learning in Higher Education to Enhance Character Qualities in 21st Century Skills

Arief R Ramadhan; Dessy Aliandrina

Keywords: fourth revolution industry, 21st century skills, blended learning

The shifting of information technology shifts how we learn. However, several studies shown that the implementation of technology in higher education are not optimal. Therefore, there is a need of a study to optimize the implementation of information technology in higher education. One of the example is through digital learning such as, Massive Open Online Courses or MOOC. However, in several studies shown that digital learning is not enough and that is where blended learning is needed to blend the offline class with the digital learning. This model is effective to improve the learning outcome and learning experience. But, blended learning are still implemented to improve the literacy and competencies but not character quality. This study found that 21st Century Skills in Indonesia are still focused on literacy and the implementation of the blended learning are still using e-learning platform, not MOOC. This study also proposed teaching and learning methods and technique to enhance character qualities in 21st Century Skills.

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