We the youth, we the change! Change does not come from one or two or three — it takes billions. When one billion of people share a coin, we get one billion coins. When one billion men clean the world up, the shores and the streets will be clean. When one billion men jump at the same time, the world will be shaken! (imaginatively).
Now, if you ask yourself, are you part of a change, a movement? Because if you feel you are, big chance you are young at heart, and more often than not you can make an impact. “Does not everyone can be impactful?”, they wondered. Indeed, everyone can be Young and Impactful, and that is our highlight in the fifth edition of WEAVER e-magazine. Contributors shared their perspectives of being Young, and subsequently, Impactful.
WEAVER Fifth Edition: Stories of the Youths is available in Bahasa and English: bit.ly/WEAVER5